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the many faces of diabetes

Together, let’s help the world #SeeDiabetes. People with diabetes fight a battle every day. The frustrations, the victories, and everything in between takes courage beyond what people see.
We need to tell the world there is an easier way to manage diabetes with CGM so everyone has the opportunity to live their best life.
Through sharing the stories and faces of Dexcom Warriors, we want to show why expanding access to CGM is so important.
Dexcom G7 is permitted for use by people with diabetes who are 2+ years and older.
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Since Dexcom’s #SeeDiabetes campaign last November, coverage for CGM has expanded by 6 million people globally.
Dexcom has also brought previously unavailable CGM systems to nearly 20 countries around the world over the last 12 months. And we’re not done yet. Despite the progress, there are millions more people with diabetes who still face access challenges that we’re committed to helping.
Through the lens of Dexcom Warriors
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• Age: 30
• Age at diagnosis: 25
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 4 years
“After months of struggling with my diabetes diagnosis, I learned acceptance is sometimes the only way to move on with life. To me, living with diabetes can be very tough. But there are many positive things that came out of it, such as learning to become the most resilient, strong, and healthiest version of myself with Dexcom CGM.”
• Age: 18
• Age at diagnosis: 14
• Country: Australia
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 4 years
“To me, life with diabetes is an opportunity to raise more awareness and understanding about the physical and mental challenges of this condition, and how to overcome them. Dexcom has been truly life changing. It’s enabled me to better manage my diabetes, so I can continue to compete in F3 racing global championships. The more people who can access diabetes management technology, the more they can achieve great things in life.”
• Age: 74
• Age at diagnosis: 12
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 5 years
“To me, living with diabetes is not a limitation. And for those also fighting a personal battle daily, know that your strength is contagious. The emotions you may feel – frustration, disappointment, fear – are valid. Diabetes is going to impact your life, but it’s not something you have to hide from.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Age: Mom 43, Daughter 10
• Mom’s age at diagnosis: 21
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: Mom 8 years, Daughter 1 year
“Living with diabetes is an invitation to think about what you want the sum of your life to be. Will I say I suffered from diabetes? No! I’ve lived, laughed, and loved despite diabetes!”
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• Age: 31
• Age at diagnosis: 13
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 6 years
“To me, living with diabetes is a journey – and we are stronger together. I’m grateful to be a part of a global community that’s committed to inspiring others while advocating for better access to diabetes technology. The more people know about Dexcom CGM, the more opportunity we have to expand access to those around the world who can benefit from it”
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• Age: 24
• Age at diagnosis: 20
• Country: UK
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 3 years
“To me, living with diabetes is relentless. There are no days off and no breaks. While it comes with its challenges, type 1 diabetes has also given me strength, resilience, and excellent organisational skills! Dexcom CGM has totally transformed my life. I believe technology is the answer for the future!”
• Age: 23
• Age at diagnosis: 7
• Country: UK
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 3 years
“To me, living with diabetes is at times like living with a relentless monster – one who pops up at the worst of times to try and ruin your day. However, through the help of technology, like Dexcom CGM, education and diabesties (diabetic besties), managing the monster gets a lot easier.”
• Age: 32
• Age at diagnosis: 13
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 5 years
“To me, living with diabetes is a part of my identity. It’s not easy by any means. There are a lot of emotions on any given day or week. No two days are alike. But I wake up each day, take my shots and do the best I can. Dexcom has made my diabetes management significantly easier and less painful and created peace of mind for me and my loved ones. It’s literally changed my life.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Age: 31
• Age at diagnosis: 11
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 5 years
“To me, living with diabetes is constant and often times overwhelming. The thing about T1D is there is no days, minutes, moments off. This is a constant challenge, and I know that over the years of having diabetes, this has made me a fighter. Every shot I take, Dexcom site I put on, snack I have… they are all decisions to live. And I want to live a long, healthy, happy life. ”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
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• Age: 9
• Age at diagnosis: 7
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 2 years
“To me, living with diabetes is much easier when you have Dexcom CGM and an Omnipod 5. Those two devices have made dealing with T1D much easier. While superheroes wear special suits to protect themselves, I wear a Dexcom to stay aware and protect myself from extreme highs and lows in my glucose levels. It added so much quality to my life! Thank you so much, Dexcom!”
Dexcom G7 is permitted for use by people with diabetes who are 2+ years and older.
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• Age: 9
• Age at diagnosis: 3
• Country: Canada
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 4 years
“To me, living with diabetes taught me how tough I am and that I can do really hard things! It’s a challenge… but every day, I make it through, and it gets a little easier.”
Dexcom G7 is permitted for use by people with diabetes who are 2+ years and older.
• Age: 9
• Age at diagnosis: 5
• Country: UK
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 3 years
“To me, living with diabetes is relentless but also the depiction of ultimate strength, bravery, and resilience. Dexcom has given my daughter her childhood back and it’s given me peace of mind to allow her more independence as she grows.”
Dexcom G7 is permitted for use by people with diabetes who are ages two years and older.
• Age: 41
• Age at diagnosis: 3
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 6 years
“To me, living with diabetes is a blessing in disguise. Do I want diabetes? No. Would I wish it on my worst enemy? No. But it has made me who I am. I am proud to be someone with diabetes. A loving father, husband, son, brother, physician, and advocate for other people with diabetes. Without it I don’t know where I would be.”
• Age: 69
• Age at diagnosis: 8
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 2 years
“To me, living with diabetes is not easy. I’m always thinking about what my glucose is, where is it going, what did I just eat, how do I need to adjust given my level of activity or inactivity, how much insulin do I have to take, and so on. After managing diabetes for 61 years, I believe raising awareness to improve access to modern diabetes management technology is crucial. Whether on insulin or oral agents or diet alone, diabetes management technologies like Dexcom CGM, allows patients to do a better job managing their glucose.”
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• Age: 37
• Age at diagnosis: 20
• Country: UK
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 5 years
“To me, living with diabetes is both one of the worst and one of the best things to ever happen to me. Worst because – well obvs! But best because it gave me the opportunity to experience things I never would have experienced otherwise. Within the diabetes community, I feel seen, accepted, and understood – and that’s a massive, massive thing.”
• Age: 18
• Age at diagnosis: 14
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T2D
• Dexcom user: 1.5 years
“To me living with diabetes is tough sometimes. My diagnosis really scared and traumatized me a little bit. That’s why I love to raise awareness for T2D, especially for young people. Being a part of this diabetes community means so much to me, and Dexcom has had a huge impact by helping me make healthier choices.”
Image shown does not include required overpatch. Please be sure to follow instructions for using the overpatch.
• Age: 32
• Age at diagnosis: 18
• Country: Germany
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 10 months
“To me, life with diabetes means you have to control your glucose every time and everywhere! And we don’t have to hide! It’s a disease not immediately visible. You have to talk about your diagnosis and the problems you have, because you are not alone!”
• Aktuelles Alter: 32
• Alter bei der Diagnose: 18
• Markt/Land: Deutschland
• Diabetestyp: T1D
• Dexcom-Nutzerin: 10 Monate
Für mich bedeutet ein Leben mit Diabetes, dass man seinen Blutzucker immer und überall kontrollieren muss. Und dass wir uns nicht verstecken müssen! Diabetes ist eine Krankheit, die man nicht sofort sieht. Deshalb muss man über seine Diagnose und die Probleme, die man hat, sprechen – denn niemand ist allein!
• Age: 43
• Age at diagnosis: 27
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T2D
• Dexcom user: 7 years
“To me, living with diabetes is a blessing, a curse, a beautiful journey and so much easier than I expected. Modern diabetes management technology, like Dexcom CGM, is transformative to those who have access to it. For me, it meant finally being able to see the full picture of my numbers. Dexcom gave me the information that I needed to be able to truly live again. I believe deeply that everyone should have a right to health.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
Image shown does not include required overpatch. Please be sure to follow instructions for using the overpatch.
• Age: 27
• Age at diagnosis: 24
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 2.5 years
“Diabetes is a challenge that, with the help of my friends and family, I rise to every single day. The best thing I did was share my diagnosis story and struggles with others. The outpouring of support was exactly what I needed.”
Image shown does not include required overpatch. Please be sure to follow instructions for using the overpatch.
• Age: 41
• Age at diagnosis: 11
• Country: Greece
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 3 months
“To me, life with diabetes is a challenge I win daily. So much progress has been made since I was diagnosed 30 years ago. Now with Dexcom CGM, I can definitely say I feel absolute freedom!”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Ηλικία: 41
• Ηλικία διάγνωσης: 11 ετών
• Αγορά/Χώρα: Ελλάδα
• Tύπος Διαβήτη: ΣΔτ1
• Χρήστης Dexcom: 3 μήνες
Για μένα η ζωή με διαβήτη είναι μια πρόκληση που κερδίζω καθημερινά. Από την ημέρα που διαγνώστηκα, 30 χρόνια πριν, έχουν γίνει πολλά βήματα προόδου. Τώρα με το Dexcom CGM, μπορώ να πω με σιγουριά ότι νιώθω απόλυτα ελεύθερη!
• Age: 32
• Age at diagnosis: 21
• Country: Poland
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 4 years
“To me, life with diabetes is a challenge I have accepted. The more you know about your diabetes, the better your results will be. Your knowledge and your motivation are your superpowers!”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• wiek: 32 lata
• wiek w momencie diagnozy: 21 lat
• kraj: Polska
• typ cukrzycy: cukrzyca typu 1
• użytkownik Dexcom: od 4 lat
„Zaakceptowałem wyzwanie życia z cukrzycą. Im więcej wiesz o swojej cukrzycy, tym lepsze będą Twoje wyniki. Wiedza i motywacja to Twoje supermoce!
• Age: 19
• Age at diagnosis: 11
• Country: Estonia
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 1 year
“To me, life with diabetes is challenging. But at the same time, it grows me as a person, makes me appreciate and value the little things over time, and it helps me make peace with the things I can’t change. It’s important to have people with whom you can relate or share the same worries and joys. It helps to get through the bad days.”
• Vanus: 19
• Diabeedidiagnoos: 11-aastasena
• Riik: Eesti
• Diabeeditüüp: 1. tüüpi diabeet
• Dexcomi kasutamise kogemust: 1 aasta
Elu diabeediga võib olla väljakutseterohke, kuid see on mind kasvatanud inimesena ning õpetanud aja jooksul märkama ja väärtustama väikeseid asju enda ümber. Olen leppinud olukordadega, mida ma ei saa muuta. Oluline on, et sinu ümber oleksid inimesed, kellega saad jagada oma muresid ja rõõme. See aitab ka kõige raskematest hetkedest üle saada.
• Age: 14
• Age at diagnosis: 3
• Country: Korea
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 8 years
Somyeong Jung (정소명): “To me, living with diabetes is about being more attentive to myself and allowing me to live healthier.”
Mother, MiYeong Kim (김미영): “When my child was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I felt alone and helpless as my once playful and outgoing child stopped smiling as much. But after using Dexcom CGM, he returned to his old self. He became active like any other boy at his age, and he is considered the best athlete at school! I believe technologies, such as continuous glucose monitoring systems and insulin pumps, have shown it’s possible to live a healthy life even with Type 1 diabetes.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Age: 33
• Age at diagnosis: 6
• Country: UK
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 5 years
“To me, living with diabetes is a constant balancing act. Before Dexcom CGM, managing my diabetes was guess work a lot of the time, and now I can predict my levels and do it with confidence. It allows me to just be myself.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Age: 48
• Age at diagnosis: 2 and a half years old
• Country: Canada
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: Three and a half years
“To me, living with diabetes is what made me the person I am today. You can never separate the disease from the person. You can never take a break, ever. So, you learn to deal with it and everything that comes with it. My positivity and perseverance in life has come from living each day with diabetes. The Dexcom CGM system has made my life the most “normal” I have ever known. I can’t imagine going one minute without my Dexcom CGM.”
• Age: 27
• Age at diagnosis: 9
• Country: Belgium
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 5 years
“Living with diabetes is much more complicated than checking your glucose and giving insulin. Life with diabetes is a constant struggle, both physically and mentally, a full-time job full of trial and error, but technology and the diabetes community make it bearable.”
• Âge actuel : 27 ans
• Âge au moment du diagnostic : 9 ans
• Marché/pays : Belgique
• Type de diabète : T1D
• Utilisateur de Dexcom : 5 ans
Vivre avec le diabète est bien plus compliqué que de contrôler sa glycémie et de s’administrer de l’insuline. Vivre avec le diabète est une lutte constante à la fois physique et mentale, un travail à plein temps plein d’essais et d’erreurs, mais la technologie et la communauté des diabétiques le rendent supportable.
• Huidige leeftijd: 27 jaar
• Leeftijd bij diagnose: 9 jaar
• Markt/land: België
• Type diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom gebruiker: 5 jaar
“Leven met diabetes is veel complexer dan je glucose controleren en insuline toedienen. Het is een constante strijd, zowel fysiek als mentaal, een fulltime baan met vallen en opstaan, maar technologie en de steun van de diabetesgemeenschap maken het draaglijk.”
• Age: 22
• Age at diagnosis: 7
• Country: US
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 6 years
“To me, living with diabetes is an art and a science that when done right never stops me from what I want to do. My Dexcom CGM has made me so much more aware of my glucose levels, which really helped throughout nursing school and will continue to help me as a nurse.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
Image shown does not include required overpatch. Please be sure to follow instructions for using the overpatch.
• Age: 39
• Age at diagnosis: 6
• Country: Croatia
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 11 years
“To me, living with diabetes is a privilege. It gave me a path in life that has brought me beautiful family, friends, and experiences I might not have had if I wasn’t diagnosed with diabetes. I have embraced diabetes as my partner, not my enemy! I encourage everyone with diabetes that it shouldn’t stop them from living. With today’s technology, there is no obstacle that can prevent them from living their lives to its fullest!”
• Dob: 39
• Dob u kojoj je postavljena dijagnoza: 6
• Tržište/država: Hrvatska
• Tip dijabetesa: T1D
• Dexcom korisnik: 11 godina
“Za mene je život s dijabetesom privilegija. Da mi nije dijagnosticiran, ne bih upoznao brojne prijatelje, doživio nevjerojatna iskustva te, najvažnije, dobio priliku da osnujem svoju predivnu obitelj. Prihvatio sam ga kao svog partnera, a ne neprijatelja! Potičem stoga sve s dijabetesom da ne dopuste da ih on zaustavi u životu. S današnjom tehnologijom, nema prepreke koja ih može spriječiti da svoj život žive ispunjeno i potpuno!”
• Age: 24
• Age at diagnosis: 8
• Country: Latvia
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 2 months
“To me, living with diabetes means continuous monitoring of glucose levels, counting carbohydrates, and calculating and administering medication doses. It’s like a hard and unpaid job 24/7. But being part of the diabetes community, I have support and know I am not alone.”
• Vecums: 24
• Diagnozes noteikšanas vecums: 8
• Valsts: Latvija
• Diabēta tips: 1.tipa cukura diabēts
• Dexcom lietotājs: 2 mēnešus
“Dzīve ar cukura diabētu man nozīmē nepārtrauktu glikozes līmeņa uzraudzību, ogļhidrātu skaitīšanu un medikamentu devu aprēķināšanu, kā arī to ievadīšanu. Tas ir kā smags un neapmaksāts darbs 24 stundas diennaktī. Taču, esot daļai no diabēta kopienas, zinu, ka neesmu viena un man ir atbalsts.”
• Age: 49
• Age at diagnosis: 21
• Country: The Netherlands
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 15 months
“To me, life with diabetes is challenging, but it’s a blessing in disguise. Is it hard work? Yes, it is a 24/7 job and sometimes extremely hard. Because I have to deal with the mental burden every day, I really get to appreciate the little things in life. We learn so much about health and the physiology of our body.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Huidige leeftijd: 49 jaar
• Leeftijd bij diagnose: 21 jaar
• Markt/land: Nederland
• Type diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom gebruiker: 15 maanden
“Voor mij is het leven met diabetes uitdagend, maar ook een geluk bij een ongeluk. Is het hard werken? Ja, het is als een baan die 24/7 doorgaat en soms is het extreem moeilijk. En omdat ik iedere dag te maken heb met de mentale uitdaging, heb ik geleerd om de kleine dingen in het leven te waarderen. We leren zo veel over gezondheid en de fysiologie van ons lichaam.”
• Age: 25
• Age at diagnosis: 17
• Country: Bulgaria
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 2 years
“Living with diabetes is a roller coaster. Every new day has its ups and downs, but you need to learn to enjoy the ride and make the most out of it. To me, #SeeDiabetes is an opportunity to share stories, spread awareness and show the world how strong people with diabetes are.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Възраст: 25 г.
• Възраст при поставяне на диагнозата: 17 г.
• Пазар/Държава: България
• Тип диабет: T1D тип 1
• Потребител на Dexcom: от 2 години
„Да живееш с диабет е като влакче в увеселителен парк. Всеки нов ден има своите върхови моменти и не толкова добри страни. Но трябва да се научиш да се наслаждаваш на пътуването и да извличаш максимума от него. За мен #SeeDiabetes е възможност да разкажа своята история, да споделя полезна информация и да покажа на света колко силни са хората с диабет.“
• Age: 23
• Age at diagnosis: 7
• Country: Finland
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 1 month
“To me, life with diabetes is just our challenge, as all people have their own challenges in life. Raising awareness for modern diabetes management technology, like Dexcom CGM, makes diabetes a normal topic to people. It decreases prejudices and shame. Being part of the diabetes community, I know I’m not alone.”
• Nykyinen ikä: 23
• Ikä, jolloin sai diagnoosin: 7
• Maa: Suomi
• Diabetes-tyyppi: Tyypin 1 diabetes
• Dexcom-käyttäjä: 1 kuukausi
“Minulle elämä diabeteksen kanssa on vain haaste muiden joukossa, kaikilla ihmisillä on jokin haaste omassa elämässään. Kasvattamalla tietoisuutta modernista diabeteksen hallinnan teknologiasta, kuten Dexcom CGM:stä, diabeteksesta tulee kaikille tavallinen puheenaihe. Ennakkoluulot ja häpeä vähenevät. Olen osa diabetesyhteisöä, ja tiedän etten ole yksin.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Age: 39
• Age at diagnosis: 16
• Country: Lithuania
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 2 years
“To me, life with diabetes is a lifestyle where I try to maintain the best results every day, with some exceptions because I am not perfect. I want people to see I have diabetes and that it is a part of me and normal to have a CGM device on your body. We need to show diabetes is easier and better manageable with the help of technology.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Amžius: 39 m.
• Gyvena su diabetu nuo: 16 m.
• Šalis: Lietuva
• Diabeto tipas: 1 tipo diabetas
• Naudoja „Dexcom“ jau: 2 m.
“Gyvenimas su diabetu man yra rutina, kurios metu kasdien stengiuosi išlaikyti geriausius rezultatus, su tam tikromis išimtimis, nes nesu tobula. Noriu, kad žmonės matytų, jog turiu diabetą, kad tai yra mano gyvenimo dalis ir normalu ant kūno nešiotis NGS prietaisą. Turime parodyti, kad pasitelkus technologijas diabetą galima valdyti lengviau ir geriau.”
• Age: 27
• Age at diagnosis: 7
• Country: Romania
• Type of diabetes: T1D
• Dexcom user: 1 year and 7 months
“To me, life with diabetes means not hiding from those around me and inspiring other diabetics to do the same. My advice is to learn as much as can about diabetes to better understand what’s happening in your body, and fit diabetes into your lifestyle, not the other way around.”
Smart devices sold separately. For a list of compatible devices, visit
• Vârsta actuală: 27
• Vârsta la diagnostic: 7
• Piața/Țara: România
• Tip de diabet: T1D
• Utilizator Dexcom: 1 an și 7 luni
„Pentru mine, viața cu diabet înseamnă să nu mă ascund de cei din jurul meu și să inspir alte persoane cu diabetic să facă același lucru. Sfatul meu este să înveți cât mai multe despre diabet pentru a înțelege mai bine ce se întâmplă în corpul tău și pentru a încadra diabetul în stilul tău de viață, nu invers.”
Learn more about CGM
Continuous glucose monitoring systems, like Dexcom CGM, help people living with diabetes gain greater control of their health. A small wearable automatically delivers real-time glucose readings to the user’s phone*, allowing them to more confidently manage their diabetes each day.